'Judging the Judiciary by the Numbers: Empirical Research on Judges' by
Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
and Andrew J. Wistrich in (2017) 13
Annual Review of Law and Social Science asks
Do judges make decisions that are
truly impartial? A wide range of experimental and field
studies reveal that several extra-legal factors influence judicial decision making. Demographic
characteristics of judges and litigants affect
judges’ decisions. Judges also rely heavily on
intuitive reasoning in deciding cases, making them vulnerable to the use of mental
shortcuts that
can lead to mistakes. Furthermore, judges sometimes rely on facts outside the record and rule
more favorably towards litigants who are more sympathetic or with whom they share
demographic characteristics. On the whole, judges are excellent decision makers, and sometimes
resist common errors of judgment that influence ordinary adults. The weight of the evidence,
however, suggests that judges are
vulnerable to systematic deviations from the ideal of judicial
The authors comment
Judges are the axle on which the wheels of justice turn. They manage pretrial
proceedings, mediate settlement
conferences, rule on motions, conduct bench trials,
supervise jury trials, take guilty pleas, impose criminal sentences, and resolve appeals. In
the process, they find facts, make or apply law, and exercise discretion. Judges wield
enormous power and society therefore rightly expects much of them. Judges must be fair
minded, impartial, patient, wise, efficient, and intelligent (Wistrich, 2010). They must set
aside their politics and their
prejudices, make rational decisions, and follow the law. (See,
e.g., American Bar Association, Model Code of Judicial Conduct,
2011, Rules 1.1, 1.2, 2.2,
2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.8). But is it possible for judges to perform
as we expect?
The answer to this question remains somewhat uncertain. Twenty
years ago,
Lawrence Baum (1997, p. 149) concluded, “Despite all the progress that scholars have
made, progress that is accelerating today, we are a long way from achieving truly satisfying
explanations of judicial behavior.” Much more research has been
conducted since then, but
judicial behavior still remains
something of a mystery. Some scholars argue that judges
behave rationally but make decisions that further their self-interest (
Epstein et al. 2013).
That assertion, however, raises
as many questions as it answers: What do judges see as
their self-interest? Are fairness and impartiality their primary goals? What incentives do
judges really face? After all, they rarely lose their positions
and seldom get promoted. And
even if judges primarily strive
for fairness and impartiality,
do they achieve these goals?
Research on human judgment and choice indicates that most people face cognitive
limitations that lead them to make choices that do not consistently further their own ends
(Ariely 2009). People commonly rely on intuition and simple shortcuts (or
heuristics) to
make choices (Kahneman 2011). Heuristics can be effective and surprisingly accurate
(Gigerenzer and Todd 1999), but can also lead to predictable mistakes when over-applied
misused. These problems plague professionals as well. Research
on doctors, dentists,
accountants, futures traders, and others shows that they all fail to live up to an idealized
standard of judgment in many settings (
Ariely 2009). It would be surprising if judges are
any different.
The available research on judges
suggests that they sometimes f
all short of the lofty
ideal to which society holds
them. A growing body of research supports the conclusion that
although judges are often excellent decision makers, they have
vulnerabilities. At the
outset, we know that in some
areas of law, judicial decisions are too chaotic. A study of
immigration asylum decisions, for example, reveals that some judges grant asylum in a
high percentage of cases while others almost never grant asylum
(Ramji-Nogales et al.
2007). Asylum outcomes thus turn on the random assignment of a case
to one judge or
another. Decisions concerning whether to grant leave to appeal
or to allow release on bond
in immigration cases are similarly erratic (
Rehaag 2012; Ryo, 2016). Concerns about
variation in conviction rates have also long haunted criminal law (Weisselberg and
Dunworth, 1993). Even in criminal
sentencing decisions in federal court, in which a highly
structured set of guidelines cons
trains judges, variation remains robust (
Scott 2011). Judges
do not seem to decide as reliably as might be hoped or expected. Worse still, the variation
does not just arise from chaos
or a lack of meaningful standards, it arises from systematic
vulnerabilities in how judges think.
This article surveys the empirical research that assesses whether judges live up to
the standards of their profession. The evidence accumulated to
date reveals that judges fall
short in predictable ways. First, as the legal realists feared,
judges’ personal characteristics
influence their decision making. Specifically, the research indicates that when cases raise
issues that are salient to judges’ personal characteristics, they do not consistently put their
characteristics aside. Second, judges overreact to mechanisms of accountability, such as
appellate review, retention, and promotion. Third, judges rely
too heavily on intuitive ways
of thinking that can be misleading. Fourth, in making decisions, judges sometimes rely on
factors outside the record, including inadmissible evidence, their emotional reactions, and
To be fair to judges, they labor under a great deal of academic
scrutiny. The
existing research on judicial decision making probably focuses
too heavily on judicial
failings. Scholars conduct their
research with an eye towards
showing that judges are
politically motivated or biased. This is understandable, given
the ideal of neutral judging
that society expects from judges, but the emphasis on deviations likely makes judges seem
worse than they are. The research includes several studies in
which judges adhere to an
ideal norm of neutrality, and we certainly include these in our
review. No studies really
provide usable estimates of how many cases are skewed by politics, prejudice, or other
misjudgment, and the research does
not support a means of making a reasonable estimate.
The circumstances under which judges deviate from the norm are
nevertheless worth
exploring, not to make judges
look bad, but to
identify potential ways they might improve.
In reaching our conclusions, we
review a diverse array of both
experimental and
field studies of judicial decision making. We
set aside judges’
autobiographies and
biographies, interviews of judges, careful parsing of individual opinions, and judges’ own
accounts of how they make decisions. Such undertakings can provide valuable insights, but
our focus lies on systematic empirical accounts of judicial decision making. These include
archival studies of
actual decisions and experiments or simulations using hypothetical
cases. Although most research on judges emphasizes decisions of
the US Supreme Court
(especially since the Second World War), our focus lies with the state courts, lower federal
courts, and a handful of international studies. Although the US
Supreme Court is
important, of course, it resolves
few cases and represents only
a tiny window into the
judicial decision-making process. Each of the studies we incorporate into our analysis
involves vastly more judges than the 39 people who have served
on the Supreme Court in
the last 70 years. The focus on the
Supreme Court also tends to
emphasize the role of
politics in judging. Political influence is only one way judges
can fail to meet the demands
of their roles. We discuss
this concern but expand upon it.
In New Zealand
The Wheels of Justice: Understanding the Pace of Civil High Court Case by Bridgette
Toy-Cronin, Bridget Irvine, Kayla Stewart and Mark Henaghan
Delays in the court process are a key obstacle in accessing justice. Delay creates costs; not only in
the loss of time but also financial and psychological costs. These costs are borne by the litigants,
the economy, and the public purse. This is the first major New Zealand study to investigate the
pace of High Court civil cases and to examine if, and where, delays might occur.
In this report, we look at both the overall length of cases, and we focus on various points in the
life of a case where delay might occur. We have used mixed methods to study these issues: a
quantitative analysis of data provided by the Ministry of Justice, an analysis of physical court files,
and interviews with lawyers, judges, court staff, and litigants.
Determining the overall length of a case is a more complex task than it appears on its face,
particularly as there are limitations to the data recorded by the Ministry of Justice. Where possible,
we have used our analysis of the physical court files to overcome these limitations and evaluate
case length. On average, a case filed in the High Court will conclude within 191.5 days. General
proceedings, one of the types of civil proceedings heard by the High Court, frequently exceeded
the average case length, taking an average of 381 days to conclude. As general proceedings were
the longest class of cases and account for 29 per cent of the High Court’s total caseload, the report
focuses on this case type. Study participants agreed that most general proceedings should not
exceed two years; only 18 per cent of general proceedings exceeded this limit.
Analysing case length alone, however, cannot answer all questions about delay. Delay can occur in
extremely short cases; conversely, for some very long cases the passage of time could not be
conceived as delay. In fact, we précised several long cases that had no evidence of delay. These
included cases that were ‘parked’ for various reasons: waiting for a related case to be resolved, an
appeal to be heard, remedial work to be undertaken, or a settlement negotiated. Some cases just
needed more time to be ready for trial, especially cases involving multiple parties, or with complex
evidentiary issues. While lengthy, these cases were not necessarily delayed.
Other cases – long and short – exhibited evidence of delay. Interviews with the participants helped
to tease out the nature of this delay. The lack of judicial time to promptly hear fixtures
(interlocutory and substantive) and deliver judgments was of particular concern. The unavailability
of litigation participants, especially experts, also slows the pace of a case. Errors by registry were
also evident; while rare, these errors can delay case progression. Finally, litigation involves a range
of participants: litigants, lawyers, witnesses, court staff, and judges. The behaviours of any of these
participants in the process can affect pace. For example, litigants, whether represented or
unrepresented, can create delay for strategic reasons; lawyers preparing court documents late or to
a poor standard can create delay. We canvas the interplay between these litigation participants and
consider how these relationships can affect pace.
When considering solutions to the causes of delay the fundamental purposes of the court must be
kept to the fore: to secure just outcomes between parties, publicly state the law, reinforce norms,
and limit executive power. The court is a complex organisation. There are many participants who
each respond to their own pressures and incentives. Any solutions must take into account this
complexity. Proposed reforms should be carefully considered and approached cautiously.
Before firm recommendations can be made, further analysis of this data is required. A number of
possibilities, however, have emerged at this preliminary stage. Many of these reforms centre on
the case management process, including: earlier identification of issues in dispute, greater inclusion
of litigants earlier in the process, improving the timing and methods of eliciting witness evidence,
considering judicial specialisation, and setting firm timetables. Another key area for further
research is initiatives to lower or better plan the cost of legal representation, which has a close but
complex relationship with the pace of litigation. Other possible reforms focus on the court’s
broader operations, including: protecting judgment writing time, and maximising the advantages
that can be harnessed from modern technology. There is an urgent need to improve data about
who uses our courts, whether or not they are represented, and how their cases proceed. Without
this information, we are unable to design a civil justice system that responds to the needs of those
using the court and that protects its important public function.