09 June 2011

Margins and Personality rights

Two significant items on personality rights, privacy and defamation

'International Publications and Protection of Reputation: A Margin of Appreciation But Not Subservience?' by Barbara McDonald in 62(3) Alabama Law Review (2011) 477-511 -
explores the modern phenomenon of libel proceedings in foreign courts by citizens of other countries, the approach of courts and legislators in dealing with so-called "libel tourists", and the international policies and principles which determine whether a court will accept jurisdiction over a libel action or enforce a foreign libel judgment. It argues that, in this context, not all foreign claimants are to be dismissed as opportunistic "tourists" and also that, sometimes, regardless of enforceability, there is a value to a claimant in a respected foreign court’s ruling on the libel. Defamation law is strongly reflective of attitudes and national values. While core constitutional law values drive U.S. courts to depart dramatically from the usual assumptions about enforcement of the judgments of civilized nations, the article argues that courts must recognise that universal values of freedom of speech and protection of reputation may play out differently in countries of different social and historical backgrounds. The concept of a margin of appreciation, a concept borrowed from modern European jurisprudence, may assist courts to respect the libel laws of other countries where they do not conform exactly to those of the forum.
'Looking Again at Photographs and Privacy: Theoretical Perspectives on Law’s Treatment of Photographs as Invasions of Privacy' by David Rolph (Sydney Law School Research Paper No. 11/07) notes that -
Courts in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand are increasingly entertaining claims for invasions of privacy. Many of these cases involve the publication of photographs by a media outlet. In the United Kingdom in particular, the means of protecting personal privacy has been the adaptation of the existing, information-based cause of action for breach of confidence. This has entailed treating photographs as a form of information. This essay analyses the imposition of liability for the publication of intrusive photographs, as it is developing in the United Kingdom, using Campbell v MGN Ltd [2004] 2 AC 459 and Douglas v Hello! Ltd [2008] 1 AC 1 as case-studies. It applies critical insights from leading theorists on photography, such as Barthes, Berger and Sontag, to suggest that the judicial treatment of photography is underdeveloped.