26 October 2018


Fancy an Australian degree that's rich with homeopathy? Apparently you should head to Torrens University.

The Torrens website refers to 'View complementary medicine courses at Torrens, and our networked schools'.

From there it is only a click or two to Torrens affiliate Southern School of Natural Therapies, which is offering a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) that includes the following units -
CAM209A Homoeopathy 1 
This subject introduces the student to the study of homeopathy and covers an introduction to homeopathic philosophy and prescribing as well as the homeopathic laws. Students are introduced to the concept of homeopathic problem definition and resolution, and introduced to case taking and principles of prescribing, case analysis and the use of homeopathic remedies. A range of acute remedies are discussed in relation to simple conditions that commonly present in a naturopathic practice. 
CAM303A Homoeopathy 2 
This subject refines students’ skills in acute homeopathic case taking and prescribing. The homeopathic laws of cure are reinforced and related to prognosis, recognition of recovery signs, remedy reactions and dosage considerations. Students analyse the data obtained when receiving a homeopathic case in terms of Hahnemannian homeopathy. Knowledge of the homeopathic materia medica is expanded and the use of homeopathic complexes is examined in relation to the body systems. 
CAM414A Homoeopathy Materia Medica and Principles 
Students who wish to further their study in homeopathy may take this elective. Further study of the underlying philosophy and principles of homeopathy including the writing of Hahneman and the provings are examined. This subject expands on acute prescribing and introduces deep acting remedies and their use. Case based study of approximately forty remedies is undertaken. Cases are examined in a holistic manner taking into account all facets of the patient’s presentation. The remedies are examined within the different classifications, minerals, animals and plants, with plants further broken down into plant families. Students further their understanding and skills in repertorisation and posology. 
CAM415A Constitutional Homeopathy 
This subject introduces and elaborates on the classical and constitutional approach to homeopathic prescribing. The materia medica is further expanded, particularly with regard to deep acting, constitutional remedies, together with expansion of organ and system approaches. Cases are reviewed for each remedy.
Wizened and dyspeptic bear that I am, I'm contemplating offering a Bachelor of Witchcraft, a Masters in Wizardry and a Graduate Certificate in Hocus Pocus. (Students are expected to supply their own ouija boards, magic crystals, eye of newt and toe of bat.)