06 August 2024

AI Implementation in Hospitals

'AI Implementation in Hospitals: Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Principles, and Evidence about Quality and Safety' (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2024) comments 

 To harness the enormous benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, implementation and use must be done safely and responsibly. The Commission engaged Macquarie University and the University of Wollongong to undertake a literature review and environmental scan to identify principles that enable the safe and responsible implementation of AI in healthcare. It presents evidence from the contemporary published literature about AI implemented in acute care as well as current, published legislation, policies, guidelines, and principles for AI implementation in healthcare. ... 

The purpose of this report is to provide a review of the recent literature and undertake an environmental scan to identify principles that enable the safe and responsible implementation of AI in healthcare. It presents evidence from the contemporary published literature about AI implemented in acute care as well as current, published legislation, policies, guidelines, and principles for AI implementation in healthcare. The findings will be considered by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) for future development of resources to assist healthcare organisations in evaluating and implementing AI. 

Policy scan and principles for safe and responsible AI in healthcare 

Chapters 2 and 3 report the findings from an environmental scan of international (USA, UK, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore), intergovernmental (WHO, OECD and EU) and national legislation and policy to gain insight about principles (e.g. guidelines, governing ideas, and strategies) for implementation of AI in acute care. The review covers both cross-sectoral legislation and policy that is relevant in healthcare, as well as healthcare-specific legislation and policy. 

Key findings from the environmental scan of national and international legislation and policy are:

• Governance of AI in healthcare is not limited to new AI-specific laws, but also involves primary legislation and policy (e.g. privacy laws, human and consumer rights law, and data protection laws). 

• Similar to Australia, national ethics frameworks are common in the reviewed countries and influence policy formulation. These frameworks are designed to support healthcare organisations in those jurisdictions by guiding the implementation of AI in their practice. The US Department of Health and Human Services drew on a national ethics framework to develop a playbook to guide health departments in embedding ethical principles in AI development, acquisition, and deployment (1). Internationally, governance approaches include establishing dedicated regulatory and oversight authorities (including healthcare-specific bodies), requiring risk-based or impact assessments, provisions to increase transparency or prohibit discrimination, regulatory sandboxing, as well as formal tools or checklists. 

• Australia’s National Ethics Framework is commonly used to frame Australian policy. The Australian Government has commenced development of a national risk-based approach to cross-sectoral AI regulation (2), based on four principles: i/ balanced and proportionate (achieved via risk-based assessment); ii/ collaborative and transparent (achieved via public engagement and expert involvement); iii/ consistent with international requirements; iv/ putting community first. This national approach will shape the future of AI governance and implementation in health services; in some jurisdictions, such as NSW, good progress has been made on developing state-based governance frameworks, including in health (see Section 3.3.1 page 49-50). The NSW Government’s AI Ethics Principles are embedded in the NSW AI Assurance Framework, which applies to uses of AI in the NSW health system. 

• Current developments in Australian governance and regulation of AI in healthcare include governance via existing cross-sectoral approaches (e.g. privacy and consumer law), regulation of software as a medical device, and specific health governance proposals from research and health organisations. The most significant developments in the healthcare sector are policy initiatives by the Australian Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AAAiH) (73), The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (3), and the Australian Medical Association (4).

 Legislative and policy environment

• The AAAiH National Policy Roadmap Process has recommended, by consensus, that Australia establish an independent National AI in Healthcare Council to oversee AI governance in health. This Council should be established urgently. Its work should be shaped by the National AI Ethics Principles and the recommendations made by consensus in the National Policy Roadmap process. One of the key issues to address is practical guidance on clarifying consent and transparency requirements. The Roadmap also recommended that the Council engage individual professional bodies to develop profession-specific codes of conduct, and oversee accreditation regarding minimum AI safety and quality standards of practice covering cybersecurity threats, patient data storage and use, and best practice for deployment, governance and maintenance of AI. Such accreditation could fall under the remit of the ACSQHC’s accreditation scheme. 

• AAAiH’s recommendation for a risk-based safety framework also called for the improvement of national post-market safety monitoring so that cases of AI-related patient risk and harm are rapidly detected, reported and communicated. 

• Both the AAAiH and the Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA) recommended development of a formal data governance framework as well as mechanisms to provide industry with ethical and consent-based access to clinical data to support AI development and leverage existing national biomedical data repositories. 

• The Australian legislative and policy environment for AI is rapidly changing: upcoming developments include changes in cross-sectoral legislation (e.g. privacy law) and an intended national risk-based approach to AI legislation 

. • Review of Australian guidance documents showed that detailed legal analysis of privacy requirements with respect to AI implementation in healthcare (see 3.3.4 Privacy and confidentiality), and detailed legal analysis of accountability and liability in AI use (see 3.3.7 Accountability and liability), may be warranted, as these are not as well resolved in Australia as in some other jurisdictions. This could potentially support legal reform. 

Key issues for health organisations and clinicians 

• Ensure high quality, local, practice-relevant evidence of AI system performance before implementation. 

• Significant training and support for clinicians and other health workers is required during the implementation and integration of AI systems into existing clinical information systems or digital health solutions (e.g., electronic medical records, EMR). Training includes skill development to use the AI system, but also includes training in ethical and liability considerations, cybersecurity, and capacity to inform patients about the use of AI in their care (see Chapter 6, section 6.10 for details). 

• Ensure AI implementation, and organisational policy, complies with existing legislation (e.g. data privacy, consumer law, and cybersecurity policy) and relevant AI ethics frameworks. 

• AI governance should build on existing governance processes in healthcare organisations e.g. for patient safety, digital health and research ethics. This is necessary to ensure safe and responsible use of AI, as well as clarify lines of individual and organisation responsibility over AI-assisted clinical and administrative decision-making that comply with existing liability rules. 

• Strengthen engagement with consumers, communities, and stakeholders in healthcare AI implementation to ensure trustworthiness, and to shape implementation and use of consumer- or patient-facing AI. An example of policy-orientated community engagement is illustrated by a national Australian citizens’ jury convened to deliberate about AI implementation in healthcare. See Box 2 in Chapter 3, section 3.3.2 for the jury’s recommendations.   

• Implementation of AI in health services should ensure appropriate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander governance, by connecting AI governance processes in health systems to existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander governance structures. Implementation should be in line with principles of Indigenous Data Sovereignty. 

• Transparency and consent are key issues for implementation of AI in health services. Governance of transparency and consent should draw on existing expertise and governance systems in healthcare organisations, including clinical ethics committees, research ethics committees, digital health committees, consumer governance committees and risk management structures. In developing approaches to transparency and consent, health organisations should note that: o Fundamental requirements for consent in clinical contexts—that a person must have capacity, consent voluntarily and specifically, and have sufficient information about their condition, options, and material risks and benefits—remain unchanged by the use of AI. o There is limited guidance available regarding requirements for consent to the use of AI as an element of clinical care. o Across the policy documents reviewed, there is strong agreement that there should be transparency about the fact that AI is being used. o Also consider transparency regarding training data, data bias, AI system performance and evaluation methods. o Risk-based assessment could require greater transparency for higher-risk applications. o As noted above, consent and transparency are potential areas of focus for a National Council on AI in Health. 

• Implement risk assessment frameworks to address the risk of bias, discrimination or unfairness in initial evaluation and ongoing monitoring of AI systems. See Appendix A for an example of an impact assessment tool. 

• Ensure use of existing patient safety and quality systems for monitoring AI incidents and safety events (including hazards and near miss events) as well as post-market safety monitoring so that cases of AI-related patient risk and harm are rapidly detected, reported and managed. 

Chapters 4 and 5 report findings from a scoping review of the literature to identify principles for safe and responsible implementation of AI at the health service level. The review covers 75 primary studies about AI systems deployed in acute care that were published in the peer-reviewed literature from 2021-2023 as well as nine studies reporting emerging safety problems associated with AI in healthcare. For healthcare organisations, safe and responsible AI in builds on best-practice approaches for digital health.

Key findings and principles are

AI in acute care settings 

Key finding 1: AI technologies are being applied in a wide variety of clinical areas, with studies identifying clear clinical use cases for their implementation. The most common clinical tasks supported by AI systems are diagnosis and procedures. All the AI systems identified in the literature search were based on traditional machine learning (ML) techniques and most were assistive requiring clinicians to confirm or approve AI provided information or decisions. Up until December 2023, no studies had evaluated the implementation of AI in hospital operations or the clinical use of foundation models or generative AI in routine patient care. 

Principle 1: Take a problem-driven approach to AI implementation, an AI system should address specific clinical needs. Confirm the specific clinical use case before implementation i.e. the types of patients and condition where the AI system is intended to improve care delivery and patient outcomes. 

Approach to AI implementation 

Key finding 2: The literature demonstrated multiple ways in which health services implemented AI systems such as to: i/ develop AI systems in-house; ii/ co-develop in partnership with technology companies; and iii/ purchase AI systems from commercial vendors (including AI systems subject to medical device regulation). Evidence of engagement with hospital ethics committees or clinical governance boards from a responsible use perspective was poorly reported in the studies reviewed.  

Principle 2: Deployment of AI systems that have been developed externally or internally, is a highly complex process and should be undertaken in partnership with key stakeholders including healthcare professionals and patients. Consultation should occur with those who have specialist skills traversing clinical safety, governance, ethics, IT system architecture legal and procurement, and include the specific healthcare professionals as well as patient representatives and/or patient liaison officers. 

Principle 3: When purchasing AI systems from commercial vendors, assess clinical applicability and feasibility of implementation in the care setting. Consider the system performance and whether the ML model will transport from its training and validation environment to the local clinical setting of interest. Consider feasibility of testing the AI using localised de-identified data sets or localised synthetic datasets to illicit utility and performance of the AI system in the local clinical area of interest, before conducting pilot implementation projects. AI system performance 

Key finding 3: AI system performance was usually assessed against a comparator (e.g. human or another device). Evaluation metrics such as sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, accuracy and F1 score were commonplace amongst the literature. 

Principle 4: Ensure AI is fit for clinical purposes by assessing evidence for system performance against a comparator. Evaluate performance in the local context of interest using localised de-identified datasets or synthetic datasets, before conducting pilot implementation projects to measure AI system performance and answer any evidence gaps in prior assessments. 

Key finding 4: Emerging evidence highlights the impact of distributional shift, stemming from disparities between the dataset on which AI systems are trained and deployment datasets. However, studies describing implementation lacked any reported quality assurance measures, such as post-deployment monitoring, auditing, or performance reviews. 

Principle 5: Monitor AI system performance in-situ post deployment, by means of electronic dashboards or other performance monitoring/auditing methods to rapidly detect and mitigate the effects of distributional shift. This should be underpinned by technical support as well as processes around planned and unplanned system downtime. 

Safety of AI in healthcare 

Key finding 5: Emerging evidence underscores safety concerns associated with AI systems and their impact on patient care. Although literature reporting on AI-related adverse events has been limited, evidence from the US FDA’s post-market safety monitoring emphasises the necessity of examining issues with AI systems beyond the known limitations of ML algorithms. Predominantly, issues with data acquisition were observed, while problems with use i.e. the misapplication of AI and its intended purposes were four times more likely to lead to patient harm that technical issues. 

Principle 6: A whole-of-system approach to safe AI implementation is needed. Ensure that AI systems are effectively integrated into IT infrastructure as they are highly reliant on data and integration with the IT infrastructure and other clinical information systems. Data quality and requirements for any accompanying changes to the EMR and other supporting clinical information systems need to be assessed to ensure data provided to the AI system is fit for purpose and its output is accurately displayed to users. 

Role of AI in clinical task, clinical workflow, usability, and safe use 

Key finding 6: AI systems in the literature were predominantly assistive or providing autonomous information meaning users were required to confirm or approve AI provided information or decisions, and still had overall autonomy over the task at hand. However, problems with the use of AI were more likely to harm patients compared to algorithm issues in safety events reported to the US FDA’s post- market safety monitoring. 

Principle 7: Ensure that users are aware of the intended use of AI systems (see Box 3). Training around the intended use and safe use of AI should be developed in consultation with the AI developer, clinical governance, patient safety and clinical leaders. The training should be maintained and updated throughout the life cycle of the AI system. 

Key finding 7: End user engagement to devise clinical workflows and training ahead of deployment were less well reported in the literature. When understanding interaction and adoption of AI systems into healthcare workflows, user experience data and user metrics uncovered facilitators and barriers.  

Principle 8: Integrate AI systems with clinical workflow. Devise clinical workflows for AI systems in a real- world care setting to ensure AI is seamlessly integrated into practice. Evaluate early to ensure AI fits local  requirements and address any issues. A pilot implementation can be used to test and refine integration with clinical workflow and supporting systems. 

Principle 9: Identify issues with system usability via user metrics and short, regular survey requests. Address these issues promptly by collaboration with the AI developer and clinicians using the system. 

Clinical utility and effects on decision-making 

Key finding 8: Decision change outcomes such as incorrect/correct decisions and the rate at which clinicians make decisions, their decision velocity, help to characterise effects of AI systems on clinical decision-making. Confidence, acceptability and trust in the AI system were important factors in decision change. 

Principle 10: Limitations of the AI system abilities must be made clear to all staff engaging with the AI system. This can be fostered by collaboration with the AI developer and strong engagement with clinicians in both pre-deployment and post deployment phases. AI incidents and safety events (including hazards and near miss events) should be easy to report and escalate. 

Principle 11: Before-and-after studies or historical cohort studies can be utilised to assess the clinical utility and safety of AI compared to a time period when AI was not implemented. 

Effects on care delivery and patient outcomes 

Key finding 9: Care process changes were not well described in the literature. However, clinical outcomes were ubiquitously reported as primary, secondary and exploratory outcomes, with many studies having a clinical outcome as the study primary endpoint. 

Principle 12: Ensure AI systems are suitably embedded i.e. their use and clinical utility in a particular context is established using formative evaluation methods during implementation before conducting clinical trials to assess impact on care delivery and patient outcomes. 


The adoption of AI technologies in Australian healthcare is still in its early stages. By safely and responsibly implementing the current generation of AI, Australian health services can prepare for the future. This involves building on existing governance processes, strengthening engagement with consumers, utilising the available data infrastructure, and establishing robust processes for evaluating the performance, clinical utility, and usefulness of AI assistance based on current best practices for implementing digital health systems. Preparation is crucial as healthcare AI systems evolve from making recommendations to autonomously performing clinical tasks. Moreover, Australia has the opportunity to provide guidance to other countries seeking to use modern AI systems to improve care delivery and patient outcomes effectively and safely.