03 April 2010

The A-Field

A recent post vented my opinion about the "Akashic Field", a preoccupation of World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution. A reader has now pointed me to an article by Christopher Bache on 'Reincarnation and the Akashic Field: A Dialogue with Ervin Laszlo', in 62(1) World Futures (2006) 114-126.

Bache states that -
Laszlo weaves together findings from quantum physics, post-Darwinian biology, cosmology, and consciousness research to propose the existence of a fundamental field he calls the Akashic Field, or A-field. The A-field is the zero-point field of the quantum vacuum, the super-implicate order behind our explicate world. It is a field where nonlocality and superconductivity are the norm, the generative matrix of the big bang and the receiver of the possible big crunch. In Laszlo's hands the A-field is the Metaverse that explains how the universe functions nonlocally as one organism across vast distances; it illumines the statistically improbable first conditions that have impelled the universe on such a fruitful evolutionary journey (because it holds and uses the learning gleaned from previous evolutionary cycles); and it provides a theoretical framework that honors reports of contact with dimensions of mind that transcend personal mind (because it is the Mind that embraces all other minds).
Bache is rather keen on the guru, it seems, commenting that -
Laszlo's commanding synthesis of multiple disciplines, his piercing critiques of mainstream thinking, and his elegant proposals are a profound accomplishment that we will be digesting for many years.
He goes on to state that -
Near the end of Science and the Akashic Field, Laszlo suggests that the A-field can provide a more elegant explanation for various forms of reincarnational memories and after death communications (ADCs) than theories that postulate an intermediate structure such as the soul. Because the A-field retains the traces of the universe’s entire experience, it retains the memory of everyone and everything that has ever lived. He holds that "former-life memories" and ADCs are legitimate phenomena with strong evidentiary support, but he suggests that these phenomena can be better interpreted as being generated by contact with the A-field. When one has the experience of communicating with the “spirit” of a dead relative, for example, one is actually in dialogue with the memory traces of that relative held by the A-field. Similarly, when one remembers "former lives" in past-life therapy, one is actually reading the memory traces of other people’s lives from the A-field. When Ian Stevenson finds traces of historically prior persons showing up in the psyches and bodies of children, it is more efficient, he suggests, to see these as pointing to the A-field’s ongoing influence in human evolution rather than pointing to the existence of a reincarnating spiritual presence, a soul (Laszlo, 2004, pp. 156–163).
Hoary old sceptics such as myself might be less inclined to enthuse about the "commanding synthesis", "piercing critiques of mainstream thinking" and "elegant proposals", instead wondering whether "traces of historically prior persons" (Cleopatra, Marie Antoinette, Joan of Arc etc) are simply the sad imaginings of people with a few 'issues' and that rather than being "actually in dialogue with the memory traces" of defunct relatives - via a seance or the A-field, with or without an alfoil beanie and a magic crystal or a packet of quanta - those who claim to be in two-way communication with the dead are simply deluded or delusional.