Mesmer, now often placed in context with phrenologists and physiognomists, indicated that animal magnetism is-
a universally spread fluid; it is the means of a mutual influence between celestial bodies, the earth, & living bodies; it is continuous so as not to permit any vacuum; it is incomparably subtle; it is capable of receiving, spreading, & communicating all the sensations of movement; it is sensitive to flux & reflux. The physical body feels the effects of this agent; &, when it insinuates itself into the substance of nerves, it affects them immediately. One recognizes particularly in the human body, properties similar to those of the magnet. One distinguishes two diverse & opposed poles. The action & property of Animal magnetism may be transmitted from one body to another, animate & inanimate: This action operates from a distance, without the help of any intermediary body; it is increased when reflected by mirrors, communicated, spread, & increased by sound; this property may be accumulated, concentrated, transported. Although this fluid is universal, all animated bodies are not equally susceptible. There are some, albeit few, in whom the polar property is so strong that their mere presence destroys all the effects of this fluid in other bodies.Mesmer, writing in the 1780s, predated the radio and the alfoil beanie, thus being unable to understand Ervin Laszlo's pronouncement that - as part of quantum mysticism's intelligent design and the 'evolution' celebrated in World Futures journal (albeit an evolution that involves Mayan Calendar 2012 endism!) - some human brains are becoming "quantum field transceivers", apparently attuned to the infinite, able to both receive and transmit information to other brains and the Akashic Records. Not of course the most original of ideas for anyone who's looked at fin de siecle spiritualism and 1920s notions of brains as radios that could communicate with the spirit world (or radios that could communicate with the spirits).
Animal magnetism may itself cure nervous disorders & be a medium for curing others; it improves the action of medications; it induces & guides crises in such a way that disorders can be understood & mastered.