DGA is described as
a not-for-profit association, established to promote the responsible use of data.
Our role is to help build consumer trust through industry standards, whilst maintaining a legal environment that allows Australian businesses to thrive.
We are committed to creating industry standards and bench marks around the collection, use and management of data in Australia. DGA provides you and your organisation with education, thought leadership and advocacy services. At the same time we'll help you to comply with all data regulatory requirements.
You’ll be kept up to date on global trends, industry events and knowhow across all aspects of data governance, driving customer trust and better business outcomesUnsurprisingly, its board appears to have no consumer representatives. The Directors instead come from Quantium, Signal, NAB, Westpac, Scentre, Veda (Equifax), Woolworths, Data Republic, IAG, Qantas Loyalty, Allens and Flybuys/Coles.
DGA is described as intended to
provide advocacy, education, support and thought leadership on all aspects of data usage and will operate alongside its sister associations ADMA, AIMIA and IAPA, all of which operate as separate associations, powered by a central expert team and resource base.Given the problematical practice of some of those organisations the new body might more effectively "build consumer trust" through a close engagement with consumer advocates and representation by such advocates.
I remain perplexed by what appears to be a London street scene as the background graphic on the DGA site.