The New Zealand Chief Ombudsman's December 2015 report
Not a game of hide and seek: Report on an investigation into
the practices adopted by central
government agencies for the
purpose of compliance with the
Official Information Act 1982 comments
The Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) is a key tool and safeguard in New Zealand’s
democracy. The Court of Appeal stated ‘the permeating importance of the Act is such
that it is entitled to be ranked as a constitutional measure’. It established the principle that
official information held by government agencies shall be made available to the public
unless there is good reason for withholding it. It expressly stated that the purposes for
doing this were to:
- progressively increase the availability of official information to enable more
effective participation, promote accountability and enhance respect for the law
and promote the good government of New Zealand; and
- protect official information to the extent consistent with the public interest and the
preservation of personal privacy.
My Office was appointed Parliament’s independent watchdog on the operation of the
OIA when it was passed on 17 December 1982, and has investigated complaints about
government OIA decision-making for almost 33 years. In recent times I have been aware
of growing public concern and criticism about practices that were perceived to have
developed within government agencies when dealing with requests for information.
This has the potential to erode public trust and confidence in both the effective
operation of the OIA and the integrity of our democratic institutions.
Over the past year, I have carried out a comprehensive review of the operation of the
OIA with the assistance of 12 selected government agencies. I considered how they
were led, organised and allocated their resources. I reviewed their policies, systems,
practices and I considered the environment in which they operate, and how the public
viewed their ability to obtain information from them.
I also considered my Office’s role as Parliament’s independent watchdog on access to
information decisions. This review was conducted using my powers under section 13(3)
of the Ombudsmen Act 1975 (OA). This provides an Ombudsman with the tools needed
to conduct such investigations, but does have two key limitations in the context of the
operation of the OIA: the Police are to all intents and purposes excluded from my OA
jurisdiction, and I also cannot investigate the actions of Ministers and their officials under
this Act. I can, and do, investigate the decisions of the Police and Ministers under the OIA
in relation to individual requests for information.
My investigation involved reviewing over 2,500 submissions and survey responses,
interviewing approximately 300 officials and requesters, conducting 37 visits to agencies
and reviewing thousands of agency records (digital and paper based) and countless
academic articles, speeches, research papers, reports, news articles, blogs and tweets
about the OIA.
Overall, I found the OIA has caused greater openness and transparency about the
plans, work and activities of the Government and increased the ability of the public to participate in the making and administration of New Zealand’s laws and policies. It has also led to greater accountability in the conduct of public affairs. The principle
and purposes of the OIA remain sound. I found that most of the time, agencies were
compliant in the way they operated the OIA on a daily basis. However, there were five
key areas where I found there to be increasing risks and vulnerabilities in the way the
OIA was being administered in the current environment. These need to be addressed in
order to protect the effectiveness of this constitutional measure, and ensure it achieves
its purposes.
Leadership and culture
Achieving the purposes of the OIA depends largely on the attitudes and actions of
those in leadership ie, Ministers, chief executives and senior managers within agencies.
When it is clear to staff that leaders respond to requests for official information
positively and view it as an opportunity to operate in a more transparent, engaging and
accountable manner, they will do the same.
I found government agencies were receiving mixed messages from Ministers as to
their expectations in terms of compliance with the OIA and more generally with the
promotion of openness and accountability and enhanced public engagement. This has
enabled doubt and suspicion to grow amongst the public as to whether their requests
for access to official information will be treated appropriately and in accordance with the
law by Ministers and their agencies. It is important that this is corrected.
I found chief executives and officials holding senior leadership positions within agencies
did understand their legal obligations and were committed to the principle and
purposes of the Act. They understand the benefits to their agency of becoming more
open and transparent and some are actively taking steps to ensure they foster such a
culture within their organisation by incorporating them into their vision, values and code
of conduct. Lack of awareness and understanding at their level would therefore not
seem to be a reason for any non-compliance occurring within agencies.
However, over 40% of the current and former government workers who responded
to my survey advised that they did not know whether their chief executive or senior
managers have a ‘pro-disclosure’ attitude towards the release of information. While
many believed that the internal culture of openness and access to information had
improved within their agency, there was a distinct lack of bold, visible messaging by
agencies’ senior leaders to their staff. I also found many agencies did not have basic
information on their websites as to how the public could make a request and the types
of information they can ask for.
For most agencies, providing information to the public is still seen mostly as a reactive,
operational task rather than a planned strategic intention that will benefit other
areas of the agency’s work. Without a strategic framework in place with associated
responsibilities and accountabilities at executive level, making requests under
OIA remains a key vehicle for the public to obtain access to information about the
government’s activities. On one level, this is no bad thing, since people are always likely
to want to access information that those working in government have not considered
useful or important to publish. But on another, the absence of such frameworks indicates agencies will continue to be concerned with managing demand rather than
introducing supply-side improvements that are likely to provide greater value for money
in the long run.
I did observe a growing desire within agencies to push more information about their
work and activities out into the public domain and assist requesters with providing
access to valuable data on a regular basis. Many agencies were routinely publishing
a lot of their corporate information, statistics and data voluntarily, although this was
quite variable. Some agencies were deliberately choosing to provide more information
to requesters than had been asked for. A number of agencies were publishing their
responses to OIA requests on their website so that others could also read them. This
was primarily done to provide the requester (and the public) with context and prevent
misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the information and/or the agency’s activities.
These steps were often taken on the advice of the ministerial/political advisor.
I found evidence that suggested a small number of ministerial officials were attempting
to limit the scope of requests for official information or change an agency’s proposed
decision for unwarranted reasons. Such attempts were rejected by agency officials and
the final decisions made by the agency were compliant with the OIA. I have alerted
the Prime Minister’s office to this type of engagement occurring, and have received an
assurance that all Ministers and their staff are reminded regularly of their obligations under
the OIA. While I cannot investigate the actions of ministerial/political advisors under the
OA, I have strengthened my Office’s investigation processes to ensure that such instances
are identified and reported and my Office intends to develop a model protocol for all
agencies that will govern their consultations and briefings on OIA requests. Its application
in practice will be monitored and reported on publicly by my Office.
The Ministry of Justice and the State Services Commission (SSC) have OIA leadership
roles which have not been fully realised. They have ascribed this to a lack of resources
and competing priorities. The SSC has provided support to senior officials on an ad-hoc
basis and is currently the lead agency for New Zealand’s membership of the Open
Government Partnership. The Ministry of Justice has established a practitioners’ forum,
developed a number of guides and publishes the Directory of Official Information
biennially. However, my investigation has found a number of areas that agencies are
currently finding challenging which both SSC and the Ministry of Justice could, and in
my view should, provide support, assistance and guidance as an ongoing priority. These
- establishing and maintaining effective relationships with Ministers and their
advisers whilst also maintaining the independence required to make their own OIA
- developing a strategic framework for the proactive disclosure of official
information; and
- providing clear, detailed guidance on the information agencies should be
proactively publishing.
Organisation structure, staffing and capability
Government agencies have put in place structures and personnel that demonstrate
they consider responding to OIA requests is part of their core business. The type of
model used to manage OIA requests, and where they were located in an organisation’s
structure, had little effect on the agency’s ability to comply with the Act. Each model
has benefits and risks which needed to be provided for.
Most agencies have set up a separate gateway for the media to make requests for
official information. While this demonstrates a willingness to engage and inform
journalists about the work of the agency, it also presents risks to the agency in terms
of the consistency of decisions (both in terms of content and timing), particularly if
agencies do not have either a unified system for logging requests and enquiries, or
share their logs or registers of requests and enquiries with the officials who dealt with
requests for the same information received via other gateways. In addition, many
requests for information were not being counted as OIA requests and were processed
and responded to outside the agency’s policies and procedures. As a result, agencies
were at risk of not complying with the Act’s requirements or understanding their OIA
workload, true compliance rate and resource requirements.
The responsibility for making decisions on OIA requests was most commonly delegated
to tier 3 managers and above. This had the benefit of successfully leveraging more
resources from the agency’s senior leadership team when compliance became
problematic and ensuring appropriately senior staff could manage any difficulties or
disagreements with the Minister’s office regarding an agency’s proposed response.
Most officials assigned OIA responsibilities within an agency had other duties or
responsibilities to carry out. While this may meet the government’s expectations
of ‘doing more with less’, I found there was an adverse impact on the capacity of an
agency to respond to requests ‘as soon as reasonably practicable’ by expecting officials
responsible for answering OIA requests to also be responsible for other work as well. This
was felt most acutely when an agency did not have resilience arrangements in place for
when these staff were absent, had competing priorities arising from their other work or
there was a sudden flood of requests that needed to be processed.
The level of training provided by agencies to their staff on the OIA varied widely. Most
government agencies (79%) did not require their senior managers (who were often
the decision makers) to undertake any level of OIA training. Many government workers
(60%) who responded to my survey also said they had not received any OIA training
from their agency in over four years. Agencies are therefore vulnerable to unintended
bad habits embedding into practice and decisions being made that may be out of date
with current approaches of the Ombudsman. It can also leave their decision makers
vulnerable to undue influence from those working in Ministers’ offices who may wish to
limit or change their decision for unwarranted reasons.
Internal policies, procedures and systems
While it is not a legislative requirement, nor an assurance that compliance with the OIA
will occur, the Ombudsmen encourage agencies to develop policies and resources to
assist staff to meet the requirements of the OIA consistently. They provide a tailored point of reference to assist staff to undertake their role. I found this to be particularly
important in an agency where a high volume of OIA work exists, staff turnover is an
issue or where the agency is heavily reliant on one or two knowledgeable individuals to
respond to OIA requests.
All the agencies examined in our review had readily accessible policies and procedures
for staff as to how they expected OIA requests to be handled. The same could not be
said for Ministers’ offices, with many simply relying on the OIA itself.
The policies and procedures of the 12 selected agencies involved in this investigation
were reviewed by my Office for accuracy, relevancy and ease of use and understanding.
I found a number of good examples that were suitable for the agency concerned. Most
had templates and checklists to assist officials with processing requests and ensuring
compliance with the OIA’s legal requirements. However, I found there were gaps and
assumptions common in many policies that created vulnerabilities for agencies. These
related to:
• the distinction between an OIA request and a Privacy Act request, a section 23
OIA request for a statement of reasons, and a Part 4 request by a company or other
corporate body asking for information about themselves;
• the number of extensions an agency can make to the time limit for making a
decision on a request;
• managing the time limit for transfers;
• the use of personal mobile devices, text messages and personal email accounts;
• what comprises a reasonable search for information;
• the working day count when requests are received electronically; and
• the application of the Cabinet Manual’s ‘no surprises’ principle.
It was universally accepted by all the agencies assisting me with this investigation that
effective record-keeping and information management policies and systems are vital
enablers for compliance with the OIA. Changes in technology are altering the way
officials carry out their work, including how they create, manage and use information.
It is also changing the expectations of those seeking access to official information. As a
result, most agencies subject to my investigation acknowledged that in respect of their
own systems, policies and procedures:
• they were having difficulty keeping pace with the changes and expectations;
• they did not always enable specific information to be identified and accessed
• they still stored their information in shared drives or in an out-dated or inadequate
electronic document and records management system; and/or
• they weren’t adequate to support the volume, complexity or breadth of requests
for information they sometimes receive.
I found some agencies were in the process of introducing new information
management strategies, with supporting governance committees, policies and systems aimed at meeting these challenges. But others were still applying a hands-off, self reliant
approach to information management. It was therefore not surprising that agencies
advised that one of their most common difficulties in meeting their obligations under
the OIA was finding and retrieving the requested information.
Most agencies (78%) had no policies in place for the proactive disclosure of information.
As a result, opportunities for publishing information to assist the public’s understanding
of an agency’s work (and reduce suspicion or media speculation) were often missed. In
the absence of policies around proactive disclosure, there is more of a risk that agencies
could release information that:
• contains personal information about an identifiable individual;
• contains commercially sensitive information;
• contains information that was provided to the agency in confidence or is the
subject of a confidentiality agreement;
• harms New Zealand’s international relations, the maintenance of the law or would
otherwise be withheld if requested under the OIA;
• infringes copyright;
• is defamatory; or
• is redacted so significantly as to change its meaning.
Current practices
Theory is one thing, but the effectiveness of the OIA is largely dependent on the
practice of those charged with implementing it on a day-to-day basis within agencies.
Most agencies that provided media with a separate gateway to request information
were vulnerable to not complying with the OIA if their officials suggested that a request
had to be put in writing before it would be processed or they did not provide templates
or scripts for officials to use when refusing requests orally or by email. Similarly, officials
who may have established relationships with stakeholders such as interest groups are
also at risk of failing to comply with the Act by not recognising their OIA obligations
when the group seeks information.
I am not convinced that these instances were a deliberate attempt by agencies to avoid
their obligations under the OIA. Rather, it is more likely to be an unintentional gap in
practice that is more likely to be caused by referring to such requests as media enquiries,
or the relevant officials in less public-facing parts of an agency not understanding their
obligations. These can be addressed by the provision of policies, templates and training,
as well as the clear messages from senior management mentioned earlier.
Many agencies complained about the challenges in responding to broad, wide ranging
and multiple, frequent requests, yet were reluctant to use the tools in the OIA to
manage these.
• Many agencies’ policies required that requests for access to official information made by the media, members of parliament, and political party research units
should be exempt from charging. The OIA does not provide for such an outright
exemption. Agencies are entitled to consider release subject to a reasonable
charge as a means of meeting a request for a large amount of information.
• Many agencies were not inclined to consult the requester and provide them with
assistance to refine their request.
• Some agencies were also reluctant to refuse requests on the basis that the
information could not be made available without substantial collation and
research, even when there seemed to be a reasonable basis for doing so.
Instead, most agencies chose to extend the time limit and try to meet the request, or to
redefine and interpret the scope of the request by themselves.
Requesters confirmed they often had difficulty articulating their request and found it
challenging to refine it appropriately as they didn’t understand how the information was
held. Some would occasionally overcompensate for this by sending in multiple, frequent
requests which differed only slightly from the other requests they had made. This
behaviour could make officials within agencies suspicious of the requester’s motives,
particularly if the requester was from the media or a political party, and rather than
consult the requester they would sometimes choose to redefine or interpret the scope
of the request themselves. While I am satisfied that most of the decision letters I have
seen included details of how the request had been interpreted so the requester could
challenge the interpretation, this practice makes the agency unnecessarily vulnerable to
claims of ‘gaming’ the requester and manipulating the final response to suit a particular
I explored why there was a reluctance to use the legitimate tools available to agencies
in the OIA when dealing with the challenges they were facing. I found current practices
were heavily influenced by the current media and political environment agencies
believed they operated in.
Officials in agencies reported that they have experienced what they consider to be
unfair attacks and inappropriate, misleading reporting by media after responses and
official information have been provided. As a result, there was a general perception
that many media requests are not driven by a desire to inform the public properly
on the activities of the government but rather on obtaining a ‘gotcha’ headline and
sensationalising information. The impact of these experiences was not always an
increased tendency for agencies to resort to blanket refusals. Rather, agencies had
become extremely careful as to how the information should be released, with great
consideration often being given as what additional information should be included to
provide context and to enable understanding and informed reporting. Some agencies
have decided to publish their responses on their website after it is released to the media
to mitigate these concerns.
I also found that the political environment in which government agencies operate
and make their decisions has had an impact on how responses to OIAs are prepared
in practice. MMP Governments often require ongoing consultation and negotiation
between coalition partners in order to progress policy and legislative programmes.
Ministers now have ministerial/political advisors, whose role is focused on serving the particular Minister and their priorities and agenda. The Cabinet Manual requires agencies to ‘be guided by a “no surprises” principle’ when briefing their Minister on their operations.
While there is no requirement in the OIA for agencies to advise their Ministers about
requests received and decisions proposed, it does recognise that while the chief
executive is the ultimate decision maker, this does not ‘prevent the Chief Executive ... from
consulting a Minister ... in relation to the decision [they] propose to make.’
While many requesters find this ability of chief executives to consult their Minister on
proposed decisions to be unpalatable, I do not think it is unreasonable for a Minister to
want (and expect) to be made aware of requests that could result in them having to
deal with a controversial or sensitive issue, such as by way of questions in the House or
from the media, if information is released by an agency for which they are responsible.
Indeed, it would be naive to expect or require them not to in the MMP environment. It
would also be naive to expect officials within agencies to disregard the possible political
impact of disclosing information they hold to the public and not advise their Minister.
The Minister’s office may be aware of harms or consequences that could result from
release of the information of which an agency may not be fully cognisant. Compliance
with the OIA does not equate to a requirement that a Minister must be kept unaware
of what their agency is doing when it comes to responding to requests for official
I reviewed a number of interactions between Ministers’ offices and agencies on OIA
requests and interviewed those involved with these consultations to understand and
confirm the practice that occurred within agencies. I found this varied considerably and
there was not in fact a standard practice (apart from the initial consideration of the OIA
request when it was first received as to whether it should be included in the weekly
advice to Ministers). The interpretation certain agencies applied to the ‘no surprises’
principle when preparing responses to requests did make them vulnerable to not
complying with their legal obligations under the OIA.
• Those that believed it required them to seek ‘clearance’ or ‘approval’ from the
Minister on the proposed response to requests for official information would be
abdicating the chief executive’s responsibilities and accountabilities under the OIA
and would therefore be in breach of section 15(4) of the OIA.
• Those that provided the Minister with a copy of the proposed response to an OIA
under the auspices of an ‘FYI’ or ‘no surprises’ 3-5 days prior to advising the requester
of the decision would be in breach of section 15(1) of the OIA as it suggests the
agency is delaying the release of a decision it has made.
If an agency genuinely needs to consult the Minister on its proposed response before
finalising a decision on a request, it should say so - in its policies, its referrals (eg,
consultation email or cover note to the Minister’s office) and its correspondence with the
requester. Purporting to do otherwise creates doubt as to who is making the decision
and whether the final response is being manipulated for political reasons rather than
in accordance with the provisions in the OIA, and suspicion as to whether delays are
occurring for tactical reasons (such as to reduce the newsworthiness of the information).
My investigation found that the Minister’s contribution to an agency’s proposed
response often resulted in:
• enhancements to a proposed response - by encouraging more information about
the government’s activities or position on an issue to be released;
• queries as to the ground for refusal being relied on being appropriate and
suggesting more information could be released than what was being proposed;
• quality assurance on the draft refusal letter by including advice to the requester
they could seek a review by the Ombudsman about the decision; and
• advice being sought as to the media enquiries and communications that would
likely follow as a result of release and suggestions as to proactive release of
additional information in order to ensure the public were informed appropriately.
However, I also saw evidence of ministerial/political advisors using the opportunity they
were given to review the response prior to release under the auspices of an ‘FYI’, to try to
convince the agency to change the final decision the agency had made by seeking to:
• limit the scope of the request;
• alter the decision proposed by the agency; and/or
• reduce the additional contextual information the agency proposed to include in
the response.
A number of the submissions received also described bitter, confrontational discussions
with Ministers and their ministerial/political advisors about certain OIA responses.
My investigation found agencies experiencing this type of interaction rejected those
demands in the final response, unless they considered them valid to incorporate in their
final decision. Other agencies used a number of strategies in order to establish and
maintain a healthy, functioning relationship. In all cases, I found agencies understood
that the chief executive was the decision-maker, and would be accountable for the
decision unless it transferred it to the Minister. None of the chief executives believed
it would be career limiting to stand their ground on OIA responses, although some
observed that it could make for a difficult and challenging relationship with their
In principle, I see no reason why a Minister or their advisers should not be informed
of any OIA requests agencies are processing at any stage during that process, so long
as there is no improper pressure or political manipulation of either the substantive
decision or the timing of the delivery of the agency’s response to the requester. The ‘no
surprises’ principle is intended to assist orderly government decision-making and enable
public trust and confidence by ensuring decision-makers are better informed before
making decisions or responding to enquiries and legitimate scrutiny (whether by the
media, opposition parties or citizens). However, if it is applied incorrectly by Ministers
and their officials, the principle may be misused to defeat the proper operation of the
OIA by providing an opportunity for officials to apply improper pressure or political
manipulation to either the substantive decision or the timing of the delivery of the
agency’s response to the requester.
My Office will develop a model protocol for all agencies that governs their consultations and briefings on OIA requests with Ministers’ offices which:
• acknowledges the roles and responsibilities of the Minister and the chief executive
with reference to the guidance in the Cabinet Manual;
• acknowledges that a ‘no surprises’ principle is expected to operate in the
relationship between an agency and its Minister;
• makes the distinction between consultations under section 15(5) of the OIA and ‘no
surprises’ briefings or referrals; and
• requires the outcomes of any consultations to be recorded.
The protocol should be adopted and published by agencies and its application in
practice monitored by my Office regularly. It could also form part of a code of conduct
for ministerial advisers, which the SSC has indicated it is considering.
Performance monitoring and learning
OIA requests, responses and complaints provide a rich source of information that can be
used by agencies to:
• ensure consistency in decision-making;
• understand what the public and key stakeholders are really interested in (and
where proactive release could be used to reduce an agency’s workload);
• flag any stakeholder/third party relationship issues that might be occurring;
• identify where business units may be struggling or under pressure;
• inform management decisions and budget bids regarding internal resource
allocation, training needs and system improvement requirements;
• flag any compliance issues and gaps in any policies and procedures; and
• fast track and inform any Ombudsman investigations and reviews.
However, most agencies had difficulty providing me with information about:
• the amount of staff resources they were applying to respond to OIA requests;
• the number of requests for official information they received (from all access
• who their requesters were;
• the subject matter of requests;
• any consultations involved;
• any transfers or extensions of time needed; and
• the outcome of decisions on requests.
Those agencies that were capturing information and data about their requests for
official information used a variety of methods. The effectiveness of the method used by an agency to track compliance and ensure consistency depends on both the
sophistication of the tool itself and from assigning a sufficiently senior and respected
official to operate it and monitor the agency’s daily management of requests and who
could demand action if the agency was at risk of non-compliance.
I found most agencies had some performance measures for some of their OIA work.
They were usually directly linked to the 20 working day maximum time limit for
responding to requests. Occasionally demand driven quantity measures were included,
but rarely were the quality of responses or proactive disclosures of information
measured. I also found some unusual counting practices occurring in some agencies.
Most only acknowledged OIA requests that were processed in a certain way and did not
include requests for information usually dealt with by their media and communications
team or by other staff. Some included their Minister’s OIA requests, responses to
Parliamentary questions and ministerial correspondence as part of their own agency’s
OIA compliance statistics. Reporting this way means neither the public nor the agency
itself is in a position to recognise the true picture of an agency’s capacity and capability
to carry out its OIA function.
Record-keeping of agencies’ decisions on OIA requests was very sporadic. I found some
agencies recorded neither the decision nor any consultations that occurred during
the process. Such practices are likely to be contrary to the requirements of the Public
Records Act 2005. Failure to keep a record of decisions makes it difficult for other staff
within agencies to locate similar, previous requests, ensure consistency of decisionmaking
or justify departure from past responses. It could also inhibit the ability of
agencies to adequately explain the basis for the original decision to an Ombudsman.
All agencies provided weekly reports to their Minister about some of the OIA requests
they received. This included some media requests and some requests from opposition
parties and special interest groups where it was considered important for the Minister
to be briefed. For many agencies, there was no blanket decision to include all requests
by certain requesters in these weekly reports. Rather, it was a discretion exercised by
officials within the agency as to what the Minister ought to be briefed on.
The level and type of reporting to the agency’s chief executive and senior management
about the OIA requests its agency had on hand was not as consistent or regular as their
reporting to Ministers on the requests received.
Many requesters were frustrated by my Office’s inability to investigate complaints about
decisions of agencies in a timely manner and were concerned that agencies could
be factoring into their decision on withholding information the time it would take an
Ombudsman to investigate a complaint. The perception that this may be occurring is
sufficient to cause a review of my own Office’s practices and ensure its early resolution
processes and proactive investigation capabilities are fully realised.
Following a comprehensive examination of how agencies have organised and
resourced themselves and currently operate in practice, I am satisfied that agencies are
compliant with the OIA most of the time and government officials working within these
agencies have a genuine desire to ensure that they are compliant.
My investigation found that both requesters and agencies have perceptions, biases and
suspicions arising from past poor experiences. I found most agencies were unaware of
the areas where they were vulnerable to non-compliance and were willing to address
these where they could, so as to rebuild public trust and confidence in the operation of
the OIA by their agency. I found requesters who rely on the effective operation of the
OIA within agencies have been confused, frustrated and found it difficult to engage
with agencies at times. Many requesters assumed that an agency’s non-compliance or
lack of engagement was deliberate and intentional, which then created a spiralling cycle
of distrust and suspicion. This has led to increased concern and criticism about how the
OIA is operating.
If the OIA is to achieve its purposes and continue to be effective over time, it needs
to be used properly by everyone – the media, politicians, researchers, special interest
groups and the public, as well as government agencies. Anyone who acts unfairly in
either making or responding to a request can contribute to and encourage a chilling
effect on how the OIA operates in practice.
Most of my recommendations are couched in general terms and address what I believe
are achievable improvements to the way the OIA‘s requirements, principle and purposes
are implemented by agencies to assist themselves and the public and correct any
misconceptions. It is up to each individual agency to examine its own performance
and decide how best to implement these recommendations in light of its own
My Office will continue to work with the 12 selected agencies to ensure any areas of
vulnerability that may have been identified during the investigation of their particular
agency’s practices are addressed appropriately. Other agencies who wish to seek my
Office’s assistance are welcome to contact the Ombudsman’s Policy and Professional
Practice Advisory Group.
In addition, my Office will be issuing new comprehensive guidance and resources for
all agencies to assist them to achieve excellence in their policies, practices, systems,
organisation and decision-making. This will include the development of a model
protocol for agencies and officials to govern consultations and briefings with their
Minister’s office on OIA requests, a maturity model, and a self assessment tool for
agencies to measure their compliance and identify any areas of weakness.
It is my Office’s intention to commence a programme of proactively reviewing agencies’
practices against the requirements of the OIA using the own motion powers under the
OA and publicly report on these. It will also investigate and report on the performance
of the sector overall again, to ensure the public have continuing trust and confidence in
this important constitutional measure.
The Ombudsman makes several recommendations
Leadership and culture
1 The Prime Minister and his Ministers should issue clear, visible statements of their commitment to the principle and
purposes of the OIA and their expectations of their agencies to comply with its requirements.
2 Chief executives and senior managers within agencies should review their policies, value statements, code of conduct
and mechanisms for communicating to their staff, and ensure they contain clear, visible statements of their expectations
that all staff will act consistently with the OIA’s principle, purposes and requirements.
3 Both the SSC and the Ministry of Justice should take steps to fulfil their leadership roles in practice by making it a
priority in their work programmes to assist agencies with the challenges they currently face in complying with the OIA
and its principle and purposes.
4 The Ministry of Justice should develop guidance for agencies (and consider developing a model publication scheme)
on what should be included in the Directory of Official Information that will assist requesters to make effective, targeted
OIA requests to agencies.
5 The Ministry of Justice should publish information about the forums it has held, the planned programme of work for
future forums, and the guidance it has produced for agencies.
6 All agencies should ensure their websites have a page, no more than one click away from the home page, which
provides the public with key information on how to make a request for official information, what the agency’s internal
policies and guides on processing OIA requests are, who to contact for assistance, and the information the agency
supplies to the Ministry of Justice for inclusion in the Directory of Official Information.
7 Agencies should ensure their strategic plans include increasing the agency’s openness and accessibility of information
about its work and activities, and engagement with the public and media.
Organisation structure, staffing and capability
8 Agencies should review their OIA organisational model and ensure any risks are mitigated.
9 Agencies should ensure there is sufficient resilience in their structure to respond to contingencies such as staff
absences, departures, and sudden surges in the number of OIA requests.
10 Agencies who have provided a separate gateway for the media to make requests for official information should ensure
all officials dealing with OIA requests have access to each others’ logs or registers.
11 Agencies should ensure compliance with the OIA is specifically included in all employees’ job descriptions.
12 Agencies should ensure that compliance with the OIA and information management policies is included in key
performance indicators for staff and compliance is monitored and reviewed annually.
13 Agencies should ensure all staff undergo some level of regular OIA and information management training, tailored
appropriately for their role in the agency. This includes:
• those who are ‘on the frontline’ and receive or process requests;
• those who make decisions or recommendations that could affect others which may subsequently result in
requests for access to personal information or for the reasons for a decision; and
• senior managers with delegations to make OIA decisions.
14 Agencies should publicly report on the OIA training their staff have undergone in the last 3 years.
Internal policies, procedures and resources
OIA policies
15 Agencies should review their OIA policies to ensure they provide accurate guidance and sufficient coverage so as to
avoid any gaps or incorrect assumptions that could create vulnerabilities in compliance. They should consider seeking
the assistance of the Office of the Ombudsman when doing so.
16 Agencies should ensure their interpretation of the ‘no surprises’ principle contained in any OIA policy is not characterised
as seeking a clearance or approval by their Minister on an agency’s proposed response to any OIA requests.
Information management policies & systems
17 Agencies should develop and implement an information management strategy (that has OIA compliance and public
participation needs at its core, alongside other business needs of the agency) and ensure they have a senior manager
assigned specific responsibility for its implementation.
18 Agencies should review their information management and record keeping policies to ensure they include guidance on
managing emails and text messages created and received for business purposes, regardless of whether they are held
on an agency-owned or a personal device.
19 Agencies should review their information management systems to ensure they are adequate to meet the needs of the
business, including the need to search for and retrieve records efficiently in order to deal with requests made under the
20 Agencies should provide regular training to staff on information management and record keeping policies and monitor
compliance with these policies.
21 Agencies should have redaction software to assist them with preparing information for release in formats enabling easy
reuse of the information.
Proactive release policies
22 Agencies should ensure they have a comprehensive policy concerning the proactive release of information they hold,
which includes how to maximise the benefits of proactive release while also managing risks that may arise from the
release of certain types of information.
Tools and resources
23 Agencies should review their websites and ensure these contain accessible guidance for requesters to assist them when
making requests for official information.
24 Agencies should develop tools and resources for requesters to assist them to make focused requests for official
25 My Office should provide requesters with training, support and guidance in how to make requests for official
information effectively.
26 The Ministry of Justice and the SSC should champion the development of tools and resources by agencies to assist
Current practices
27 Agencies should review their practices to ensure that the identity of the requester, their mode of engagement, or any
practices do not impinge on the requirements to make a decision that is appropriate under the OIA and communicate
it to the requester ‘as soon as reasonably practicable’.
28 Agencies should ensure consultation with requesters takes place at an early stage to identify the information being
sought or before refusing to make information available because of the collation and research challenges.
29 Agencies should review their charging policies to ensure that they do not exempt certain types of requesters from the
application of the OIA’s provisions.
30 The Ministry of Justice should review and update its charging guidelines.
31 The Ministry of Justice, in collaboration with the SSC and Archives New Zealand, should develop a model information
search policy for agencies to apply.
32 Agencies should publish their OIA policies including how they interpret the ‘no surprises’ principle and record how they
apply this to individual requests.
33 My Office should develop and publish a model protocol on agencies’ consultations and briefings on OIA requests with
Ministers’ offices, and monitor its application. The development of this protocol should be done in consultation with
the SSC, Cabinet Office, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Ministry of Justice.
34 The SSC should consider how this model protocol may be linked to a Code of Conduct for ministerial officials/political
35 Agencies should review their policies and tools available for staff to ensure they capture the legal requirements for
responding to requests for information that may be received and replied to via email or by phone.
36 Agencies should strengthen their procedures for considering, documenting and explaining to requesters the public
interest factors considered when making a decision whether or not to withhold information under section 9 of the OIA.
Performance monitoring and learning
37 My Office, in consultation with the Ministry of Justice and the SSC, should develop a suite of performance measures for
agencies to apply to their official information activities (including proactive disclosures).
38 Agencies should ensure they are counting their OIA workload and compliance rates accurately.
39 Agencies should separately report on their Minister’s OIAs or PQs or ministerial correspondence rather than in the one
performance measure.
40 Agencies should ensure they have a fit for purpose OIA logging and tracking system which is easy to use and actively
41 Agencies should record the final decision on an OIA request and if it is to refuse, the basis for that decision, including
the outcome of any consultations involved.
42 Agencies should ensure their chief executive and senior leadership team receive regular reporting on compliance
capabilities in handling OIA requests, apparent themes or trends in the requests being received, sensitive issues and
proactive disclosures.
43 Agencies should ensure any Ombudsman decisions are shared and discussed openly with OIA practitioners in the
44 My Office should work with agencies to develop a standardised model for data collection of OIA requests to enable
high quality analysis and compliance.
45 My Office should ensure its early resolution process is implemented and works effectively for the majority of official
information complaints we receive.
46 My Office should provide updated OIA guidance to agencies, and continue to provide training and assistance to
agencies in developing OIA policies and procedures.
47 My Office should develop a maturity model and associated resources based on the findings from this investigation to
enable agencies to self-assess performance and capabilities.
48 My Office should conduct regular own-motion investigations into agencies’ OIA compliance and practices and report